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Early Voting

Michigan voters now have the right to vote early in person at an Early Voting site for 9 consecutive days prior to all federal and statewide elections (not local elections). The Early Voting process is very similar to voting on Election Day - show up, complete a voter application, mark your ballot, and place it into the tabulator. The election equipment, ballots, and tabulator will be secured every night; however, the results will not be tabulated until after the close of polls at 8:00 p.m. on Election Night.

Early Voting will be available for every federal and statewide election thereafter (not local elections).

Chippewa Township's Early Voting location is at the Chippewa Township Community building located at 10467 - 19 Mile Rd; and will be available for 9 consecutive days prior to all federal and statewide elections from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Absentee Voting

All registered voters have the option to vote absentee. If you would like to receive an absentee ballot, please contact the Township Clerk at (231) 867-3777 or complete and sign this APPLICATION and return it to the Chippewa Township offices.

The biggest change to Absentee Voting in Michigan is the addition of the Permanent Absentee Ballot List. Voters who are on our Permanent Absentee Ballot List will automatically be mailed an absentee ballot for every election.

If you are not on the Permanent Absentee Ballot List but would like to be added, simply check the box on any absentee ballot application to be added. Call the Clerk's Office to receive an application.

If you are a snowbird, college student, or if you regularly use a temporary alternative address, the Permanent Absentee Ballot List may not be the best option for you as the ballot will be mailed to your home address and the USPS cannot forward ballots. The best option for these voters is to apply for an absentee ballot before each election. This way you can indicate the address you need your ballot sent to for that specific election.

Voter Registration


You are qualified to vote in Michigan if:

  • You are a citizen of the United States.
  • You are at least 18 years of age by election day.
  • You are a resident of Michigan and at least a 30 day resident of the city or township where you are applying to register to vote by election day.
How to Register to Vote

There are two options for registering to vote:

Individuals are encouraged to register to vote as early as possible before an election. Methods and requirements for voter registration depend on the following deadlines:

If there are 15+ days before an election, individuals can register in-person at the City Clerk's office or a Michigan Secretary of State branch office, online, or by mail.

Within 14 days of an election and on Election Day, individuals may only register by visiting their local Clerk's office to register in person with documentation of their proof of residency.

If you have ANY election related questions, please contact the Chippewa Township Clerk at 231-867-3777 or Clerk@Chippewatwp.org


November 5, 2024 SAMPLE BALLOT

Absent Voter Application

Early Voting Notice (2024)

Election Inspector Applications

Michigan Voter Registration Form